Monday, June 27, 2005


Ok before I begin to tell you all about our fab camping/hiking trip let me apologize for the missing picture of Drake's cake guess I still have a few things to learn......

Anyway last week I decided to take the kids for a hike up Mt. Monadnock. Now my kids aren't exactly the biggest hiking fans so to sweeten the deal we decided we would camp the night before. I was a little nervous has this would be the first time camping without Michael. Not that I can't handle the kids, more that Michael does ALOT of the work, you know setting up the tent, building the fire etc...But I was determined.

We left Concord at about 2pm and arrived at the campsite around 3:30. First we set up the tents. Sally was in charge of the interior decorating and Drake was in charge of setting up his tent and Emmett he just helped everyone. Once the campsite was ready we all went to the camp store. There we bought some new hiking poles and drinks and the kids all got something sweet!
We then went back to camp and decided to gather kindle as Emmett liked to say. We managed to start the fire without too much trouble. With Drake and Emmett tending the fire I DECIDED TO MAKE SOME TEA AND HOT(oops looks like I hit Cap lock)Chocolate. Dad and Ann were nice enough to lend us there camping stove while they were away, and I brought plenty of propane. Too bad the stove took white gas. There went the tea and cocoa. No problem though because we brought things to cook for dinner that only required tin foil and a fire. Breakfast though was going to be pancakes. Drake assured me that he would be able to cook them over the fire and I was totally prepared to let him try until I realized I left the fry pan in the dish drain back home. Good thing we had apples and cheese sticks for breakies. After yummy dinner and even yummier smores it was off to bed.

We all awoke around 8 had apples and cheese sticks and then broke down camp and headed to the trail head. I had checked in with the park ranger to make sure I picked the best trail for our group and off we went. For those of you who don't know anything about Mt. Monadnock let me fill you in. It's elevation is approx 3100 Ft. It is the most limbed mountain in the US and second in the world, right behind Mt Fiji. This without a doubt was the most challenging hike my children had ever undertaking. The trip started out mellow enough but then really began to climb. At times it was hand over hand climbing. Well Drake and Sally were really being troopers, Emmett on the other gave a day time Emmy award performance. Oh the DRAMA. Words can hardly describe him dragging himself up the mountain, "I just...Can't....Do...It..." We were only a fourth of the way up and I was getting worried that we would never make it to the top before nightfall at this rate. Well super mom to the rescue. All it took was me carrying his pack. Once he was free of that he practically bounded up the hill.

About half way up the Mountain really opens up and you get your first real vista. Well let me tell you once those kids saw how far we had climbed and how BEAUTIFUL it was, it gave them all the energy to make it to the top.
Are we not proud?

Halfway there

Mt. Monadnock is one of those climbs when you feel you are the top only to find that when you reach that next peak there is more to come. I must admit that I was dragging my feet and was very ready to get to the top. But we did it and we were rewarded with a very breathtaking view.

The peak

We made it

view from top

We ate out lunch and chilled for about 15 minutes before ewe trekked back down. We took a shorter trail down but it was very steep and took a lot of concentration. But what took 3.5 hours to climb only took 2.5 to descend. Once we reached the bottom we gave a big cheer, almost more for the fact that we were stoked that everything was already packed in the car and all we had to do was get it, than for making it to the end.

One hour fifteen minutes later we were back in Concord. Now if you ask any of my kids they will most likely tell you that it was a horrible trip and they hated it. But don't believe them for those three kids were pretty proud of themselves for their accomplishment. They just can't tell me that in case I decide to do it again!!!

Monday, June 20, 2005

Good-bye 7-1

Good-bye 7-1
Originally uploaded by andifree.
Drake's cake that he made for his cluster on the last day of school. Two chocolates and two vanilla's. Way to go Drake

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Freemans' Follies

Never thought it would be so hard to choose a name for a blog!! Actually never thought I would even create a blog, HOWEVER, after months of reading Kari's blog I thought why not. Maybe it will help me stay in touch with all those people I can never seem to stay in touch with. Of course once September rolls around..........

So back to the name. Tried on several for size but this one seems to fit. I have included Webster's definition for Folly;

Main Entry: fol·ly

Pronunciation: 'fä-lE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural follies
Etymology: Middle English folie, from Old French, from fol fool
1 : lack of good sense or normal prudence and foresight
2 a : criminally or tragically foolish actions or conduct b obsolete : EVIL, WICKEDNESS; especially : lewd behavior
3 : a foolish act or idea
4 : an excessively costly or unprofitable undertaking
5 : an often extravagant picturesque building erected to suit a fanciful taste

So we all know that we Freeman's are not Evil or Wicked or even lewd, but foolish.Extravagancece...Lackck of good sense, well maybe. So this is the name and I am sticking with it. The only bummer is I spent several long hours, ok minutes, well maybe only seconds, to make sure I had the correct puncuation and spelling. You know I thought it might be Freeman's Follies. But I knew that looked wrong so I did my RESEARCH! Alas you can not even use the beautiful ole apostrophe, sigh. But all of you now know that I tried.

So stay tuned folks for more fun to come. I am sure the camping trip I am taking my kids on by myself wilwarrantnt some bloggerific moments